Principles for Designing Next-Gen Apps for Apple Vision Pro
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Principles for Designing Next-Gen Apps for Apple Vision Pro


The tech world is buzzing with the announcement of Apple's latest innovation, the Vision Pro. This game-changing platform is set to redefine how we interact with technology, offering an immersive and spatial experience that takes app usability to an entirely new dimension. With a visual language that seamlessly integrates with Apple's existing ecosystem, an ergonomic design principle, and groundbreaking spatial input capabilities, the Vision Pro is poised to become the next frontier in app development.

But what does this mean for your business? If you're a high-level decision maker looking to stay ahead of the curve, understanding the potential of the Vision Pro and how to leverage it for your own app development is crucial. That's where we come in.

In this blog post, we will demystify the key features and design principles of the Vision Pro, provide insights into the opportunities it presents for app development, and highlight how our expert software development services can help you navigate this exciting new landscape. Join us as we delve into the world of the Vision Pro and explore the future of app development.

Understanding the Visual Language of Vision Pro

The first step in unlocking the potential of the Mixed Reality (MR) headset for your app development lies in understanding its unique visual language. This language has evolved to accommodate immersive and spatial experiences, presenting a blend of familiar Apple design elements with innovative new features.

Glass Material

One of the most noticeable elements of the Vision Pro's design is the introduction of the glass material. This new design element can reflect light from the user's surroundings and the virtual content within the app, creating an immersive experience that feels both digital and tangible. The use of glass material gives your apps a sense of physicality and helps them blend seamlessly into the user's physical world.


The new device running on visionOS uses familiar font styles that are legible at any distance, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of app designs. Two new font styles have been added to cater to expansive, editorial-style layouts. A slightly heavier font weight has been introduced to ensure that text remains legible against vibrant materials, enhancing the overall user experience.


Vibrancy is another key design feature of the Vision Pro. This feature allows for real-time adjustments to maintain legibility across the system, regardless of the environmental conditions. Used in conjunction with the glass material, it enriches the look and feel of system materials, adding a sophisticated touch to your app design.

In the context of Vision Pro apps, "vibrancy" is a design feature that helps maintain the legibility of text and other elements across the system, regardless of the environmental conditions. It's a dynamic, real-time adjustment tool that enhances the contrast between text (or UI elements) and the background.

Vibrancy works hand-in-hand with the glass material design element. As the glass material reflects both the light from the user's surroundings and the virtual content, the vibrancy feature ensures that the text or user interface elements don't get lost or become hard to see due to these light variations. It does this by dynamically adjusting the brightness and contrast of these elements to make sure they stand out against the background.

For example, if a user is in a brightly lit environment, the vibrancy feature might increase the contrast between the text and the background to ensure the text remains legible. In a dimly lit environment, it might adjust the brightness of the text to prevent it from blending into the background.

Ergonomic Layouts

The new mixed reality headset is designed with user comfort in mind. All interactive elements are required to have a tap target area of at least 60 points of space for easy selection. A built-in tool called "focus feedback" further enhances user interaction by indicating active and inactive items. This thoughtful layout design minimizes the potential for eye or neck fatigue, ensuring that users can engage with your app comfortably for extended periods.

System Components

Apple's new device encourages the use of system components that have been specifically designed to support each input. This includes windows, tab bars, and sidebars. A new presentation style, termed "ornaments," has been introduced for toolbars and quick actions, further expanding the design possibilities.

Menus, Popovers, and Sheets

To streamline user experience, menus and popovers can expand outside the window, while sheets are presented as modal views at the center of the app. This design approach keeps the user's focus within the app and prevents interaction with the parent view until the sheet is dismissed.

Understanding and integrating these elements of the Vision Pro's visual language into your app design will not only optimize the user experience but also ensure your apps stand out in the new frontier of spatial technology.

Spatial Design Principles

Apple’s headset marks a revolutionary shift from traditional app design paradigms, embracing spatial design principles to create an immersive user experience. Let's delve into these principles and how they can be harnessed in your app development process.

Windows (and not the OS from Microsoft)

Windows in the Vision Pro are not just static frames but dynamic components that can change size and shape based on the context of the app. They offer flexibility, allowing developers to position and size windows based on the specific content of their app.  

Furthermore, the new OS supports multiple windows, each potentially suitable for different contexts within the same app, creating a multi-dimensional user experience.

Human-Centered Design  

The Vision Pro brings a human-centered approach to app design. Developers need to consider what a person can see, how they might need to move, and how to place content ergonomically relative to the person's head and the direction they're facing. Content placement should avoid extremes such as behind the user or very high/low positions. Instead, developers should anchor content in people's space, designing stationary experiences that require minimal movement, thereby creating a comfortable and intuitive user experience.


One of the most exciting aspects of the headset is the ability to use depth and scale to enhance apps. Developers can create a hierarchy with depth, allowing objects closer to the user to take visual precedence.  

Light, shadow, and scale can be used to enhance depth perception, adding layers of realism to the app experience. Experimenting with different scales can lead to unique user experiences, inviting users to engage with the app in novel ways.


Vision Pro enables developers to create immersive experiences that extend beyond a window and transform the user's surrounding world. Apps can fluidly transition between different states of immersion, creating experiences that are dynamic and engaging.  

When designing immersive experiences, it's crucial to guide people's focus, design smooth transitions, and thoughtfully blend virtual elements with reality.


To create experiences that feel authentic to the platform, developers should leverage the unique capabilities of Apple’s headset.  

Rich, immersive experiences that utilize the user's space can bring a level of authenticity that sets Vision Pro apps apart from traditional applications.

Specific Applications  

To provide a clear picture of these principles in action, we will explore specific applications like Photos, Keynote, and Safari. For instance, the Photos app introduces an immersive feature where a selected photo grows larger in the user's space, dimming the surroundings and bringing the photo into sharp focus.

The adoption of these spatial design principles is key to developing apps that fully leverage the capabilities of the Vision Pro. It's about creating experiences that were never possible before, with the user's world serving as an infinite canvas for your apps.

Spatial Input: A New Frontier in User Interaction

One of the standout features of the Vision Pro is its innovative spatial input capabilities. This feature transforms the way users interact with applications, replacing traditional touch and click interactions with more intuitive and natural modalities like eye focus and hand gestures.

Designing for Eye Interaction

Apple’s MR headset is designed with a strong focus on comfort. For eye interaction, this means that content should fit comfortably within the field of view, reducing the need for neck and body movement. Depth should be considered to avoid frequent changes in focus depth and reduce eye strain. Round shapes can guide attention, and text and glyphs should be centered.  

Furthermore, the user interface (UI) should always face the viewer, and a dynamic scale should be used to keep the target area constant regardless of the window's position.

Virtual reality will eventually tire users’ eyes. It’s about allowing them to use the device for as long as possible without fatigue.

Respecting Privacy

As eye intention can be sensitive information, the new device emphasizes privacy. No focus information is sent to the app, and dwell control features can enable content selection just with eye focus, removing the need for hand gestures. This means that users can interact with apps in a way that is not only intuitive but also respects their privacy.

Hand Interaction

Hand gestures, used in combination with eye targeting, form the primary mode of interaction across the Vision Pro system. Custom gestures should be easy to perform and distinguishable from standard system gestures. The combination of eye direction and hand gestures can create precise and satisfying interactions, taking user engagement to a new level.

Direct Touch

Despite the focus on eye and hand interaction, direct interaction remains a viable option. Users can reach out and use their fingertips to interact with the app or type on a virtual keyboard. However, developers should be aware that prolonged holding of hands in the air can lead to fatigue. Feedback mechanisms need to be carefully designed to compensate for the lack of tactile response in virtual environments.

Design Principles

In designing spatial interactions, comfort and ergonomics are paramount. Feedback should be clear, and interaction patterns should be familiar, keeping in mind haptic feedback is no longer possible. The goal is to create an input experience that feels so natural users don't have to think about how to interact with your app.

Developers looking to create apps for the new product must consider these principles and guidelines. The focus should be on designing apps that are comfortable to interact with, respect user privacy, use eyes and hands for interactions, and provide clear and extensive feedback mechanisms. By doing so, developers can ensure that their apps are not only accessible but also offer a natural and engaging user experience.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future of App Development with Vision Pro

The Apple Vision Pro presents a groundbreaking leap in the realm of app development. By combining visual language, spatial design principles, and innovative spatial input capabilities, it sets the stage for immersive, intuitive, and interactive experiences that were never possible before.

Developing apps for the Vision Pro is not just about learning new design principles or adapting to new interaction models. It's about embracing a holistic view of user experience, one that encompasses the richness of three-dimensional spaces, respects user comfort and privacy, and harnesses the unique capabilities of the Vision Pro device.

As we've seen, the visual language of the Vision Pro uses familiar elements but evolves them to accommodate immersive experiences. The use of glass material and vibrancy ensures applications feel tangible, rich, and sophisticated while maintaining legibility in various lighting conditions.

Spatial design principles invite developers to consider the user's environment as an infinite canvas. They encourage thinking beyond the traditional confines of screens and static layouts, designing instead with depth, scale, and human ergonomics in mind.

The spatial input capability of the Vision Pro is transformative. By allowing users to interact with apps through eye and hand gestures, it creates an interaction model that is both novel and natural. Designing for this kind of interaction requires careful attention to comfort, privacy, and feedback mechanisms.

In conclusion, the Vision Pro offers developers an exciting new frontier in app development. By understanding and implementing the principles and guidelines outlined here, developers can create apps that truly leverage the new device's capabilities. This will result in engaging, immersive, and authentic experiences that will not only delight users but also set a new standard for what apps can achieve.

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